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Skills Strength

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Message  Joey 13.01.08 20:33

Break Tackle (Strength)
The player may use his Strength instead of his Agility when making a
Dodge roll. For example, a player with Strength 4 and Agility 2 would
count as having an Agility of 4 when making a Dodge roll. This skill may
only be used once per turn.

Grab (Strength)
A player with this skill uses his great strength and prowess to grab his
opponent and throw him around. To represent this, only while making a
Block Action, if his block results in a push back he may choose any
empty square adjacent to his opponent to push back his opponent. When
making a Block or Blitz Action, Grab and Side Step will cancel each other
out and the standard pushback rules apply. Grab will not work if there
are no empty adjacent squares. A player with the Grab skill can never
learn or gain the Frenzy skill through any means. Likewise, a player with
the Frenzy skill can never learn or gain the Grab skill through any

Guard (Strength)
A player with this skill assists an offensive or defensive block even if he
is in another player’s tackle zone. This skill may not be used to assist a

Juggernaut (Strength)
A player with this skill is virtually impossible to stop once he is in motion.
If this player takes a Blitz Action, then opposing players may not use
their Fend, Stand Firm or Wrestle skills against blocks, and he may
choose to treat a ‘Both Down’ result as if a ‘Pushed’ result has been
rolled instead.

Mighty Blow (Strength)
Add 1 to any Armour or Injury roll made by a player with this skill when
an opponent is Knocked Down by this player during a block. Note that
you only modify one of the dice rolls, so if you decide to use Mighty Blow
to modify the Armour roll, you may not modify the Injury roll as well.
Mighty Blow cannot be used with the Stab or Chainsaw skills.

Multiple Block (Strength)
At the start of a Block Action a player who is adjacent to at least two
opponents may choose to throw blocks against two of them. Make each
block in turn as normal except that each defender's strength is increased
by 2. The player cannot follow up either block when using this skill, so
Multiple Block can be used instead of Frenzy, but both skills cannot be
used together. To have the option to throw the second block the player
must still be on his feet after the first block.

Piling On (Strength)
The player may use this skill after he has made a block as part of one of
his Block or Blitz Actions, but only if the Piling On player is currently
standing adjacent to the victim and the victim was Knocked Down. You
may re-roll the Armour roll or Injury roll for the victim. The Piling On
player is Placed Prone in his own square -- it is assumed that he rolls
back there after flattening his opponent (do not make an Armour roll for
him as he has been cushioned by the other player!). Piling On does not
cause a turnover unless the Piling On player is carrying the ball. Piling
On cannot be used with the Stab or Chainsaw skills.

Stand Firm (Strength)
A player with this skill may choose to not be pushed back as the result of
a block. He may choose to ignore being pushed by ‘Pushed’ results, and
to have 'Knock-down' results knock the player down in the square where
he started. If a player is pushed back into a player with using Stand Firm
then neither player moves.

Strong Arm (Strength)
The player may add 1 to the D6 when he passes to Short, Long or Long
Bomb range.

Thick Skull (Strength)
This player treats a roll of 8 on the Injury table, after any modifiers have
been applied, as a Stunned result rather than a KO’d result. This skill
may be used even if the player is Prone or Stunned.

Messages : 247
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2007


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