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Skills Passing

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Skills Passing Empty Skills Passing

Message  Joey 13.01.08 20:30

Accurate (Passing)
The player may add 1 to the D6 roll when he passes.

Dump-Off (Passing)
This skill allows the player to make a Quick Pass when an opponent
declares that he will throw a block at him, allowing the player to get rid of
the ball before he is hit. Work out the Dump-Off pass before the
opponent makes his block. The normal throwing rules apply, except that
neither team’s turn ends as a result of the throw, whatever it may be.
After the throw is worked out your opponent completes the block, and
then carries on with his turn. Dump-Off may not be used on the second
block from an opponent with the Frenzy skill or in conjunction with the
Bombardier or Throw Team-Mate skills.

Hail Mary Pass (Passing)
The player may throw the ball to any square on the playing pitch, no
matter what the range: the range ruler is not used. Roll a D6. On a roll of
1 the player fumbles the throw, and the ball will bounce once from the
thrower’s square. On a roll of 2-6 the player may make the pass. The
Hail Mary pass may not be intercepted, but it is never accurate – the ball
automatically misses and scatters three squares. Note that if you are
lucky, the ball will scatter back into the target square! This skill may not
be used in a blizzard or with the Throw Team-Mate skill.

Leader (Passing)
The player is a natural leader and commands the rest of
the team from the back-field as he prepares to throw the
ball. A team with one or more players with the Leader skill
may take a single Leader Re-roll counter and add it to
their team re-rolls at the start of the game and at half time after any
Master Chef rolls. The Leader re-roll is used exactly the same in every
way as a normal Team re-roll with all the same restrictions. In addition,
the Leader re-roll may only be used so long as at least one player with
the Leader skill is on the pitch - even if they are Prone or Stunned! Rerolls
from Leader may be carried over into Overtime if not used, but the
team does not receive a new Leader re-roll at the start of Overtime.

Nerves of Steel (Passing)
The player ignores modifiers for enemy tackle zones when he attempts
to pass, catch or intercept.

Pass (Passing)
A player with the Pass skill is allowed to re-roll the D6 if he throws an
inaccurate pass or fumbles.

Safe Throw (Passing)
This player is an expert at throwing the ball in a way so as to make it
even more difficult for any opponent to intercept it. If a pass made by this
player is ever intercepted then the Safe Throw player may make an
unmodified Agility roll. If this is successful then the interception is
cancelled out and the passing sequence continues as normal.

Messages : 247
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2007


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